
美媒驚爆「英國女王過世」全網瘋傳! 官員怒發文:沒可靠來源

The Queen Elizabeth II hosts a reception for local community groups at Sandringham House on Saturday Feb 5, 2022, on the eve of marking 70 years since she acceded to the throne, following the death of her father King George VI on 6th February 1952. Aged 25, The Princess Elizabeth was proclaimed Queen Elizabeth II throughout the UK and the Commonwealth.She is the first Monarch in history to reach the historic milestone of 70 years on the throne. The Queen Elizabeth II announces on Saturday Feb 5, 2022 in a written message marking the 70th anniversary of her reign she wants Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, to be known as Queen when Prince Charles becomes King. The Queen assured the Duchess of Cornwall's future status in an historic Platinum Jubilee statement issued late last night, ending years of uncertainty over the issue. In her surprise announcement, Her Majesty declared it was her sincere wish for her daughter-in-law to be fully acknowledged when Charles succeeds her. (Royal Family/EYEPRESS)

白金漢宮20日才宣布95歲的女王伊麗莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)確診新冠肺炎,23日美國八卦媒體相繼爆料「英國女王去世」的重磅新聞,聲稱女王本來計畫要參加一場婚禮時,被發現已經死亡,在網路引發軒然大波,英國官員發文怒斥是「無法證實」的假新聞,英媒王室事務記者也向《澎湃新聞》澄清女王仍健在。


美國八卦網站《好萊塢解鎖》(Hollywood Unlocked)22日拋出震撼彈「非常遺憾地,英國女王過世了。」聲稱是親近王室的消息人士爆料,女王原本要去參加Vogue雜誌編輯艾寧弗的婚禮,結果被發現已經死亡,文章在網路瘋傳,不過目前沒有英國主流媒體報導此事。

英國上議院幕僚長奧克瓦勒(Dayo Okewale)看到消息後滿頭問號,透過推特發文回應「沒有可靠的消息來源證實這一點。」並標記為「假新聞」。《好萊塢解鎖》文章沒有下架,且堅稱不報假新聞,要等待白金漢宮的正式回應。

原文網址: 美媒驚爆「英國女王過世」全網瘋傳! 官員怒發文:沒可靠來源 | ETtoday國際新聞 | ETtoday新聞雲 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20220224/2195348.htm#ixzz7M4GUZgXT
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